TSO Project Worker

3 days ago

Kilkenny Co Kilkenny, Ireland The Good Shepherd Centre Kilkenny Full time

A TSO Officer role is now available in the Mental Health Tenancy Sustainment Service: Carlow, Kilkenny and Tipperary. The details of same are outlined below: JobDescription:MentalHealthTenancySustainmentOfficer (TSO) Venue:KilkennyVoluntaryHousingAssociation,WilliamSt,Kilkenny. Report: Housing Support Services Manager IntroductiontotheModel The TSO role has been initiated as a customised model of support for tenants of approved housing bodies, typically experiencing Mental Health difficulties, at risk of losing their tenancy.Toengagepeople,conductanassessmentandmakeappropriatereferralstohealth and social services inclusive of Tusla where appropriate. One officer will be assigned to Carlow/Kilkenny. The second officer will be assigned to Kilkenny/Tipperary. Each officer will provide cover to each colleague due to training and leave. ItisinformedbytheNationalandLocalHousingStrategiesforPeoplewithaDisability,Sharing theVision(DeptofHealth,2020),HousingforAll-AnewhousingplanforIreland(Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, 2021) and the HSEs National Recovery Framework (HSE, 2018). Funding has been sourced from the Carlow/Kilkenny HSE Mental Health Services and the Good Shepherd Centre to employ a part time support worker (19 hoursperweek)andahealthcareworker/cleaner(15hoursperweek)throughtheGrantAid process.Securetenancieswithsupportarerecognizedasthewayforwardformanyofthose with complex needs. The TSO Project now requires two officers x 39hrs per week to support tenants under the programme. TheGoodShepherdCentreinconjunctionwithMentalHealthServiceArea5 Kilkennyandin partnershipwithCarlowCountyCouncil/TipperaryandKilkennywillprovideTSOsupportand a recovery orientated tenancy sustainment programme. MainRolesandResponsibilities: Work within the framework of the overall objectives and Policies of the Good Shepherd Centre. To undertake assessments and support planning (recovery focused) with clients. To assist clients address recovery goals and objectives in keeping with life skills and tenancy sustainment. Thiscontractisaspecifiedpurposecontract.SubjecttoongoingStatutoryFunding Support. To ensure to support tenants in accessing recovery focused training, education and employment opportunities. Toworkaspartofamulti-disciplinaryteamandservice. To maintaina caseloadof clientsandoffer clientsongoingsupportuntil cases are handed over to the appropriate support services. Toaccompanyandprovidesupporttoclientswithappointmentstootherservices, where appropriate To be responsiblefor keepinguptodate caseworkrecords,daily logs andwritten assessments. To work in close liaison and co-operation with other teams across mental health and community-based services, in particular other Statutory and Voluntary Agencies as deemed appropriate Toworktotheservicemodelandstandardsofbestpractice TomeetregularlyforsupervisionofworkwithyourassignedSupervisor Toattendallnominatedtrainingbyyourlinemanager Tosupervisestudentsorvolunteersasrequestedbyassignedsupervisororsenior manager. To work closely with colleagues in the co-ordination and implementation of the support care plan. Toworkaflexiblerosterover5daysandoccasionaleveningstomeettheobjective of the service Toimplementexistingpoliciesandproceduresandtoinputintothedevelopment of new ones Toplan,implementandevaluatethedailyactivities. Toundertakesuchotherdutiesasmightbereasonablyassignedfromtimetotime in consultation with the Team Leader. To be vigilant to any Health, Safety and Welfare risks in the workplace and bring any concerns to the attention of your line manager or Health & Safety Representative To engage with the identified service users with a view to facilitating them in defining and attaining their own housing and recovery goals, based on the recovery principles of hope, control and opportunity. The worker will use a strengths-based approach in: Conductingneedsassessments,whichwillinformagreedcareplans:Thiswillinvolve identifying and agreeing how the service user would like to be supported by the workerandadiscussionabouttheneedsandactionswrittenintotheserviceusers mentalhealthcareplan/clinicalfile. To effectively liaise with local authority staff, Tusla staff and AHB staff to problem solvesandensureeffectivecoordinationofapproachesandservices.Developinga mutual understanding of the circumstances and responsibilities of the tenants. Assessrisktotheindividualandfamily.Ensuringtoreferconcernstoappropriate agency: Gardai, Mental Health services, Tusla and GPs. AssistingtheserviceusertonavigateprocessesrequiredbytheLocal Authority/Landlord. Ascertainingandsupportingtheserviceuserspreferencesinrelationtofuller participationintheirlocalandwidercommunities Supportingtheserviceuserindevelopinglifeskillswhichwillfosterindependence and autonomy ; this may involve assistance with practical tasks Communicating with the service users treating team to review their needs and/or careplan;thiswillinvolvedirectcontactwithkeyMDTmemberswhowillhavebeen named in the referral. Facilitatingpeersupportofthosewithlivedexperiencewhenappropriate Supportingtheserviceuserinsustaininghisorhertenancybyaddressingthekey issues and planning for risk management when required. Supportingtheserviceusertoself-advocatewhenrequiredoradvocatingonhisor her behalf as agreed. S/he may be supporting the service user to engage with the approved advocacy organizations when appropriate. Casemanagingtheirreferralstooptimizetenancysustainmentandindependent living. Promotingtheserviceuserssafety,healthandwellbeing. TheGSCKareanequalopportunitiesemployer EssentialCriteria 2yearpostqualificationexperienceinarelatedfield Full clean driving license and access to a car Level7or abovein social care Good verbal, Verbal and written skills Excellent problem solving skills Skills: Good verbal and written skills. Problem solving.

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