▷ Urgent Receptionist
1 month ago
This is a superb opportunity to join the hotel team of Anantara The Marker Dublin Hotel Front Office Department as Receptionist. Anantara The Marker Dublin Hotel is a Leading Hotel of the World and it is imperative that the candidate has the ability to deliver a high level of service in a confident and professional manner. What do we have to offer you: Competitive Salary Premium rates for Sunday work Career Progression Refer a Friend program - €500 bonus for a referral of your friend or acquaintance for a vacancy in Anantara The Marker Dublin Hotel or another hotel of Minor Hotels Group Excellent Room Employee Rates in over 350 Minor properties worldwide Unlimited access to our eLearning platform Increased holiday entitlement for long service employees Meals whilst on duty in our employee restaurant Employee Recognition Awards Employee Assistance Program - mental health and wellbeing support Complimentary provision and laundry of uniforms General responsibilities ToensurethehotelachievestheLeadingHotelsoftheWorldQuality Assurancetargetsandthatthehigheststandardsofluxuryandquality are delivered consistently to our guests. TohaveanunderstandingoftheHotelsVision&Missionstatement as communicated to the team Toensurethatareasofresponsibilityarecleanandwellmaintained and cleaning checklists are adhered to. Toreportdefectivematerialsandequipmenttotheappropriate departments. Toensurethattheambienceindepartments(lights,musicand temperature) are controlled. Tobevigilant throughout theHotel to promotesecurity Tohavestrong productknowledgeof allareas of thehotel. Toacceptaflexibleworkschedulenecessaryforuninterruptedservice to Hotel guests and to maintain flexibility within teams. Toprovidesupportwherenecessaryinother areas oftheHotel. Tocomplywiththehotelscashhandlingprocedure. People ToattendappraisalreviewswhenrequestedbyHeadofDepartment Tounderstandand complywiththehotelsemployeehandbook Toattenddepartmentaldailybriefings Toattendmonthlydepartmentalmeetings/GeneralTeamMeetings, ECCM when required. Toadhereto thehotelsgrooming procedures. ToclockinandoutoftheTimepointatthestartandfinishofeachshift and for breaks. To inform your manager if you did not receive your break entitlement. Fire, Health & Safety TocomplywiththehotelsFireandEmergencyprocedures. TocomplywiththeHealth&Safetyregulationsofthehotel TocomplywiththeFoodHygieneregulationsofthehotel. Toensureallaccidentsandincidentsareinvestigatedandreportedin accordance with the hotels accident/ incident reporting procedure. TosupportthehotelsEnviromentalpolicybycomplyingwithwaste management and monitory energy efficiency. Specific Duties To carry out all duties in line with departmental Standards Manual (Leading Quality Assurance). Provideachannelforcommunicationwithinthehoteltoeffectively deal with all telephone and email enquiries in a professional and courteous manner. Tobefullyawareofanymenuupdates,hotelpromotions,corporate promotions or special. Tobeknowledgeableand informedabout theintroduction ofproducts. Tocarryout cleaningasrequired. To liaise with other departments to ensure that all guest requests are attended to efficiently. The above list is not exhaustive and may be added to in the future. References: All employment offers made are subject to a valid work permit and us receiving two satisfactory references, which could be: A corporate email and/or phone number or A letter in a headed paper signed by the manager / HR. We will not ask for reference details until you reach the interview stage. Skills: Front Office Hospitality Hotel SAP Guest Relations Benefits: Meal Allowance / Canteen Uniforms/Dry Cleaning eLearning Career Progression Employee Room Rate Employee Rewards