Registrar & Senior House Officer in Anaesthetics

3 weeks ago

Dublin, Dublin City, Ireland St. James Hospital Full time

SACC Directorate TheSurgery,AnaesthesiaandCriticalCareDirectorate(SACC)focusesonthesurgicalpatient process from outpatients through to discharge. Core principles are basedaround delivering a safe, personal, clinically effective and high quality service to allpatients,withclearaccountabilityforallstaffmembers. St.JamessHospitaldeliversawiderangeofsurgicalservicesatalocal,regionalandnationallevel. Thereare13SpecialtieswithinSACC.Theseare;Urology,Gynaecology,GeneralSurgery, ENT, Breast Care, Maxillofacial, Vascular, Plastics, Orthopaedics,Cardiothoracic,PainManagement,AnaesthesiaandCriticalCare. The directorate is managed by the Directorate Management Team led by Clinical Director and Operations Manager. Regular engagement with the Clinical Teams through Leads for each Speciality has been a big focus in 2015, with the establishment of Monthly Speciality Meetings. The main purpose of these was to improve communication, address operational issues and at a strategic level, set out a development plan for each service. DepartmentofAnaesthesia ThedepartmentofAnaesthesiaprovidestheanaesthesia,intensivecareandpainmedicine services at St. Jamess Hospital, which is the largest acute academic hospital inIrelandaffiliatedwithTCD. Therearetwelvetheatres,includingastand-aloneBurnstheatre,astand-aloneendovascular suite and a dedicated stand-alone Day Case suite, with two major and oneminor theatres and a pre-operative assessment unit. The Intensive Care service coversthe General Intensive Care Unit, High Dependency, cardio-Thoracic ICU, Burns Unit, inaddition to ventilated patients in the Coronary Care Unit and an emergency consultservicetothe wards andEmergencyDepartment. The Department provides anaesthesia for adult patients in the following disciplines:generalsurgery,cardio-thoracic,vascular,otorhinolaryngology,plasticandreconstructive surgery including burns, Maxillo-facial, orthopaedics and gynaecology.There is a large oncological surgery component in all of these disciplines.In addition,theICUadmitstraumaandacutemedicalpatients.TheICUtakesnation-widereferrals. TheDepartmentisrecognisedfortrainingbythefollowingbodies: College of Anaesthetists for both BST and SpR training, by the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland for two months' BST in Intensive Care Medicine Royal College of Physicians in Ireland for SpR training in Intensive Care Medicine TheIrishBoardofIntensiveCareMedicine The Pain medicine team, led by Dr OGara and Dr Fitzgerald run the acute and chronic pain service, with a Pain Medicine Fellow and a rotating registrar. There are three Clinical Nurse Specialists in the Pain Medicine service. There is a ward-based epidural and peripheral nerve block infusion service. There is an active teaching programme in which the successful applicant will participate. The Department is involved in teaching under-graduate medical students, post-graduate anaesthesia and intensive care trainees and nursing and paramedical staff. The Department also participate in the Primary and Final Fellowship pre-examination courses and in the Intensive Care Diploma Course. There are four college tutors who supervise training. The research activities of the department are steadily increasing and there are e research Fellows, undertaking doctorates, attached to the department. Principal Duties andResponsibilities TheRegistrarpostcontributestoathirty-nine-personteamwhichincludesthirteenSpecialistRegistrars.Learning opportunities are based around simulationteaching,dailyConsultant-ledpatienthandoverandwardrounds,dailyformalregistrarteaching,regularinter-specialtyseminarsandaclinicalauditprogramme.Researchinallfacetsofanaesthesiaisactivelysupportedwithinthedepartment. Candidateswill: Professional/Clinical Be responsible for assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation of treatment for patients according to professional standards and under the supervision of the Consultant Document all assessments, diagnoses, treatments, clinical notes, relevant contacts and summaries in accordance with department and professional standards Communicate results of assessments and recommendations to the patient and relevant others as appropriate Foster close working relationships with colleagues and other relevant professionals in maximising the patients potential Participateinteams,communicatingandworkingincollaborationwiththepatientandotherteammembersas partofanintegratedpackageofcare Attend clinics and participate in relevant meetings, case conferences and wardrounds; followed by documentation of findings on each patients chart; followthroughwithactions arising from the round InconjunctionwiththeSupervisingConsultant,contributetothedevelopmentandimplementation of procedures, policies and guidelines while adhering to existingstandardsandprotocols Maintain professional standards in relation to confidentiality, ethics and legislation Seek advice and assistance from the Consultant with any assigned cases or issues that prove to be beyond the scope of his / her professional competence in line with principles of best practice and clinical governance Participateinauditsandresearch Engage in technological developments as they apply to the patient and service administration EducationandTraining Participate in mandatory and recommended training programmes in accordance with organisational / professional requirements Maintainanddevelopprofessionalexpertiseandknowledgebyactivelyengagingincontinuing professionaleducationanddevelopment EngageinplanningandperformancereviewsasrequiredwiththeSupervisingConsultant Health&Safety Comply with the policies, procedures and safe professional practice of the Irish Healthcare System by adhering to relevant legislation, regulations and standards Document appropriately and report any near misses, hazards and accidents and bring them to the attention of relevant / designated individual(s) in line with best practice Workinasafemannerwithduecareandattentiontothesafetyofselfandothers Beawareofriskmanagementissues,identifyrisksandtakeappropriateaction Promote a culture that values diversity and respect Administrative (InconsultationwiththesupervisingConsultant) Ensuregoodworkingpracticeandadherencetostandardsofbestpractice Promote quality by reviewing and evaluating the service, identifying changing needs and opportunities to improve services AssisttheConsultantinservicedevelopment,includingpolicydevelopmentandimplementation Ensure the maintenance of accurate records in line with best clinical governance, the organisations requirements and the Freedom of Information Act, and provide reports and other information / statistics as required Engageinserviceauditanddemonstratetheachievementoftheserviceobjectives Representthedepartment/profession/teamatmeetingsandconferencesasappropriate KeepuptodatewithchangeanddevelopmentswithintheIrishHealthService The above Job Description is not intended to be a comprehensive list of all duties involved and consequently, the post holder may be required to perform other duties as appropriate to the post which may be assigned to him/her from time to time and to contribute to the development of the post while in office. Eligibility CriteriaQualifications and/ or experience Applicants are expected to have completed Basic Specialist Training in Anaesthetic Medicine. Possession of a post-graduate qualification will be advantageous to the candidate, but is not a requirement for the post. CandidatesareexpectedtobeATLSorACLSproviders.Corerequirementsforthispostinclude: a demonstrable commitment to Haematology Medicine, good decision making,a broad clinical knowledge base and appropriate clinical skills, awareness of patientsafety and risk management issues and the ability to work efficiently under pressureandas partof ateam. Beforetakingupthepost: EachsuccessfulcandidatemustholdRegistrationwiththeIrishMedicalCouncil Health A candidate for and any person holding the office must be fully competent and capable of undertaking the duties attached to the office and be in a state of health such as would indicate a reasonable prospect of ability to render regular and efficient service. Skills, competencies and/or knowledge Thepostholderwilldemonstratethefollowingskillsandcompetencies: sufficient command of the English language to effectively carry out the duties and responsibilities of the role sufficientclinicalknowledgeandevidencebasedpracticetocarryoutthedutiesandresponsibilities oftherole anabilitytoapplyknowledgetoevidencebasedpractice leadershippotential theabilitytoplananddelivercareinaneffectiveandresourcefulmanner anabilitytomanageanddevelopselfinabusyworkingenvironment theabilitytoeffectivelyevaluateclinicalinformationandmakeappropriatedecisions a commitment to assuring high standards and strive for a patient centredservice effectiveteamskills effective communication and interpersonal skills including the ability to collaborate with colleagues, families etc and good presentation skills awareness and appreciation of the patient and the ability to empathise with and treat others with dignity and respect flexibilityandopennesstochange ability to utilise supervision effectively willingness to develop IT skills relevant to the role Application Process To apply for the above position please apply directly by visiting the St. James's careers website where you will find a step by step guide.

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